Wednesday, July 11, 2007

June 22, 07 Friends and Tomatos, Wiggins, Colorado

“The time has come,” the Walrus said,”to talk of many things.”– L.Carroll

We had a fun visit with Harold at his summer home “farm” in Wiggins, Colorado. Betty at the wheel of Harold’s 1953 Ford NNA tractor. Harold is our neighbor in Casa Grande.

While there we took a side trip to visit his daughter and son in law, Cindy & Russ. Cindy gave us a tour of their produce business. Honeyacre Produce (since 1985) They have 5 large climate controlled greenhouses.

The vine tomatos are grown from seed in a bag of coconut husks. An irrigation system provides water and nutrients. They pick twice a week when the tomato’s are ripe and rush to market, fresh with no pesticides. Unlike regular store tomato’s that are picked green and have little flavor. They are all flawless and look perfect or they don’t go to market. We got to watch the watering, pollination from bumble bees and the trimming of the suckers. Best of all we left with tomato and pepper samples J

1 comment:

Bob and Marlene Rea said...

Isn't it great to have friends throughout the nation. If they have farms, its even better...Enjoy your summer on the road.